Consignment Terms & Process

New England Home Furniture Consignment can only function with you, our most valued customers. We need your unique, high quality furniture and home décor that is in excellent condition. You may be tired of your furniture, need to downsize, relocating, or have inherited pieces that do not fit your style or space, but there are thousands of people looking for exactly what you are looking to dispose of. NEHFC’s goal is to provide the finest pre-owned merchandise to our customers while satisfying your desire for the quickest sale and maximum return on furniture and home décor.

We have set high standards for what we want to display in our showroom because we want to offer our customers the quality and style that they are looking for without having to sort through items that could be found at a thrift store or yard sale. We take great care in selecting the best items that will fit into our gallery and we inspect each item carefully to maintain our standards. We must see your furniture items before accepting them, basing our decisions on customer preferences, what tends to sell best, availability of space and marketability of items. To increase the opportunity of having your items accepted and for maximum profit please polish, clean or repair your items before bringing them in.

Although you do not need an appointment to bring your home décor items to the gallery, please read the following steps in consigning with us.

Steps in Consigning

Approval of Your Items

In order to determine if your items are the right match for our gallery, please consult the list of items we accept. Home decor items (not furniture) have a limit of 20 items per day for review and can be brought in without an appointment Wednesdays-Saturdays between 10:00-4:00.***No drop-offs on Sundays***

For larger furniture items and décor that cannot be brought into the store easily, please email pictures to that depict your items accurately. Include the following information along with your pictures:

  • First & Last Name
  • Phone Number/ Cell
  • Address
  • Description of Item
  • Original Purchase Price
  • Where & when did you purchase this item?
  • Manufacturer
  • Condition (Include any defects)
  • Will you require this item to be picked up?

Delivery of Items to Gallery

Once your furniture items are approved, you may bring them in at a scheduled time during regular business hours. If your items are not as they were represented in the pictures you provided, you may have to take them back. If you are bringing in larger furniture items please make sure to bring extra hands to safely unload your items. If you are unable to get your items to the gallery on your own we can refer you to a moving company with reasonable rates.


Once your items have arrived in our gallery NEHFC will determine the prices based on the information you provide. Our intention is to accurately determine the correct value of your items and price them in a manner that provides a fair and appealing value. Prices will be set and based on information such as manufacturer, original purchase price, as well as consideration given to buyer demand, popularity, condition, and style. It is in everyone’s best interest to price items at fair market value with the ultimate and realistic goal of selling each item within the first month of consignment.


You will receive 50% of the sale price of each item. After 30 days all items are marked down 10%. If an item remains in our gallery after 60 days it will be marked down an additional 10%. After 90 days the item will be marked down to 50% off the original price.

Consignor checks will be available for pick-up on the 5th day of the month following the sale of your items the previous month. If checks are not picked up by the last day of the month they will be mailed.

Termination of Agreement

Our consignment term is 120 days. You may pick up your items at any point before the 120th day.